Register an account

You need to first register with us in order to apply for a school place or 2 year old funding. Please enter the information requested into the fields below.

To use this site it is recommended you use one of the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 10 or Higher
  • Google Chrome (latest version)
  • Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
  • Safari

Your password needs to meet the password requirements:

  • It must be a minimum of 10 characters, not longer than 128 characters
  • It must contain a minimum of 2 number(s)
  • It must contain a minimum of 1 lower case character
  • It must contain a minimum of 1 upper case character
  • It must contain minimum 1 special characters
  • It must not be same as the username

Remember that your password is case sensitive.

Before registering an account, please read through the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Cannot continue because of the following problems
Required fields are marked with a red asterisk *

Use the Post Office's Postcode Finder if you don't know your postcode.

Provide at least one of House Number, House Name or Building Name *

Provide a phone number where you can be contacted during normal office hours, if necessary